Sunday, January 18, 2009
Yesterday was the Gamis Day for BFF (Nich, Syb & me). The thing is, kami lupa begambar-gambaran. haha so no pictures to show to dabalchezburger readers. bummer~
Anyway, me and Syb were soooo excited to wear gamis but not our beloved Nich. ahaha obaaa ia~ At first, she's not gonna wear her 'obba-the top-lawaness' gamis but after all the persuasions and 'menyamaling-scenes' from little-red-Syb and my promise to buy her milokutak, she agreed to join the fun. [hahaha belipattt ia~~]
After lecture, BFF, Mis, Baby Wana and Abg Fakron, Hai and Sepol, Sel, Eddie, Nordin, Rudey and galfren, Sifu Zol, Ayub, Sharol, Amni and Nigel went to the badminton court in Rimba, near the IPA area. With only a tee, a pair of jeans and flip-flops, I played badminton just forawhile. Damn I should bring my sport attire. [Cana leh i lupa?? haha delooo i~] Despite all that, i had fun especially 'ampas-ampasing' with Baby Wana. hehe
Lunch time, BFF went to one-and-only McD in Brunei. And of course, i had my usual meal; McMEAL DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER medium size. Syb and Nich also had the same meal. [hahaha apa angin kamu?? =p]. After that we had retail therapy at The Mall. Oh yes, as promised, i bali kan my anak, or should i say anakS, milokutak yang kiut brabisss. hahaha
So here are some pictures of milokutak *lapssss*

p/s: Nich abis dah milokutak mu???? =p