Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tried to wake up as early as possible because bapa asked me to buy a birthday cake yesterday , which he should call instead of text my phone. haizzzz~~ anyhow, as usual, i asked permission from babu to go out by 'saying' that i was going to a friend's house to get things (which i wasn't). And so she said to me "Agatah~ ambil ce-akim (anak-orang-yang-lapasan-me) jua. Ia abis belajar undang-undang pukul 10". Looking at the time it was nearly 10.
I picked up anak-orang before hunting down for the birthday cake. We went to Hua Ho Mall, [ambilan duit, lipattt ia anak-orang, inda ia mau-mau kan chip-in, dukkkk balipatttt ia]. First we hit the Top Bake at Delima/Serusop. Kan meliat if there's Monte Carlo cake but nada. It's a very just-nice, chocolate moist cake. Cream nya just nice jua, not like typical cream cake. I had it for my last birthday and so as my dad's and anak-orang-yang-paling-damit. Just so you know, the 3 of us have our birthdays on the same month. If i'm not mistaken, there was only one cake last year~~ ermmmmmm....dukkkk awuuuuuuu satu cake ganyaaaa~~ lipattttt saving banar.
Since Monte Carlo nada, we tried for chocolate mousse at Mum's. Again, nada jua. So we hit to Kiulap just to try our luck. If nada jua, LeApple would be our last resort. Luckily, there were two chocolate mousse cakes left. fuhhhhh~~ nasibbb. hehe bujet low ba~ haiya
We had a little surprise party for babu right before going out for our late lunch at Aneka Rasa; Babu lanja lapsss. So here you go~~
Monte Carlo Cake~ lapssss creamy chocolate~~
And below is birthday-babu's cake; chocolate mousse
Babu and bapa. And below are family potraits. lapssss. dang canah~ lipattt ko cam typical korean style
oiii crapppp, lupa i bagi babu's pressieeeeee. hehehe. bondaaaaaaa~~~~~~~