Friday, January 30, 2009
Hellew dabalchezburger readers,
Yesterday results of O'level and A'level were out~ and guess what??? anak-orangs i PASS and BEAT mine. haha bah lanja nieee ehhhh~~ syukur alhamdulillah them-them have gotten good results eventhough they studied at the very last minute. balipattt dorang minta i baca-baca for them.
FYI, i still don't have any softcopies of the results, so sorry about that, i've tried to get some from my contacts but they also have the same case as mine. None~~~
So to those who have done well/good in either O or A, congratulations to you~ and may you choose well on your next step. To those who don't, try again and don't give up and also you still have hope~
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It was our wish to ride on a classic BMW car someday~
But that someday never came~
So just taking pictures with it could consider as our wish being true~
Hahaha i'm sooooooo deaddddddd~~
Little red syb, both of us are gonna be dead-b.engs if he finds out.
Hehe hellewww there dabalchezburger readers,
We had no idea what we were doing, right after we had our MOSAS aka Mechanics of Solids & Structures lecture, and right before we had our early lunch at Qlap. We're just out-of-sunshine making and taking a few pose with the classic BMW. Rugi Nich and Nana inda gambaran with it. Kira untung la gambaran saja. Kan naik this car is a dream that will NEVER come true. aishhhh siasiapun we syb ahhhhh~~ =p
Monday, January 26, 2009
To my dearest dabalchezburger readers,
I know my blogsite is sooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnn simple, not like any other blogsites. haha biar tiaaaa~~ my HTMLing skill dah rusty and my PHOTOSHOPing pun not as good as i used to be. The time to asah my skills will come sooner or later but for now, need to concentrate on my study.
- I'm still craving for McD's doublecheeseburger *yes i'm very memajaling when it comes to my need / craving for dabalchez*
- I want to watch Bride Wars
- I wanna meet Fish before he goes back to KL this Saturday (if i'm not mistaken) *yea, he's back guys~~~ panjang umurnya*
ikannnnnnn ohhhhhhhh ikannnnnnn
Sunday, January 25, 2009
MAJOR UPDATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hellew dabalchezburger readers,
Really sorry for the late update. I was:
- too LAZY to write.
- also in a situation of having kegagaran internet for the last 3 days.
Sorry for the inconvenience. tehehe =)
Career Dialogue @ ITB on 22nd January
Macam-macam ada on that day but unfortunately we, the B.eng8 who have started our 2nd semester had to proceed our studying schedule. We did have the time to visit all the booths and get some free gifts =D
I met Haji Syukri, Roz, Haziq and Nadi!!! haha it's been awhile I haven't seen him, ermm the last was during his openhouse which was last year. Teingat ku time GP with Wen Pei and Nadi, gossiping and all~~ aishhh, missing that time.
Almost forgot, me and little red syb tejumpa NGIAN BARU for Nich! ahaha mostly the work was done by Syb! I teliat yang sorang atu ganya 'cause he's a AK = Ngian!! Congrats Nich for having new ngian! hahaha
Gambaran canditessss~~ haha
Singgal pun jadi la~~ huhu craving for dabalchezburger~~ ='(
Tukaran blazer & round-round Brunei on 23rd January
Went out with my dad around 4 in the afternoon. He accompanied me to find and see any construction sites in Brunei. Anak-orang yang paling damit also tagged along~ after all the searching, we went to Bandar, to exchange my over-rated-big blazer!!! size 44 to size 42. aishhh, it's fortunate that cina bini atu nada time atu, if ia ada huhuhu satiris i mendengar ia cakap, 'ini tidak boleh tukar laaaa', 'ini tidak boleh kecilkan', 'banyak orang mau tukar owhh'. adehhh mana-mana u ehh. i satirisssss baaa~~ not thanking her, i've got my perfect blazer finally and it all thanks to cina laki-laki atu. tankieuuuuu~~~
Another main ampas-ampas on 24th January
Right after survey lecture, went to have late breakfast at Cafe Danile (not sure i've spelled correctly) @ Rimba with Nich, Syb, Ayub, Sharol, Sifu, Rudey and Sepol. Then headed to dewan kebajikan near IPA @ Rimba. Lapas puas main-main and makan snack, me, Syb and Sifu went to Aewon @ Kiarong. Ambilan baju. hahaha kiutttt brabissssssss~~ nanti i upload the gambaran~ hehe Lapsss~~ Syb and Nich next trip ke sana, we mking~ sifu mau jua?? fyl??? hahaha
p/s: tankieuuu to Syb and Sifu for mking~~ hahaha lapsss
The 1st laguan i dedicate to hijauan-cokolatan-yang-sani-diminati-oleh-innocent-ta-karang-nich-and-little-red-syb-and-sifu-zol-if-ada-yang-ketinggalan-sila-inform-saya-lapsss.
The last, it goes to my kawan-kawan-yang-sudah-siapan-baju-buterpli-we-time-ari-sabtu-time-we-main-ampas-ampas.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Today no lectures. Brunei ada parts yang kebanjiran and landsliding. Traffic lights brokedown. Polis bekeliaran. Di mana ada cucul trafik mati, polis come to the rescue.
Okieee i may sound so langieee but mana-mana, you're still reading this post. =p
Lunch mengedate with anak-orang. She belanja lasagna set. I bayarkan customer service. hehehe sian usulnya. She said, "Ka, berapa customer servicenya??". I replied, "Ntahhhhhh ahhhhhhh~~~ hahaa (awuuu seingat ku, i ketawa time ani) awudeh, kaka bayarkan customer servicenya." hahaha calieee bangettttt mukanya lapas atu. PRICELESS!! anak-orang, tankieeeeuuuuuu for lasagna.
After lunching, i went to Rimba dewan serbaguna. BFF, Baby Wana and Ct kan mau main ampas-ampas aka badminton but the hall was used by other people (orang-orang veteran). We tried hall di Lambak yang dekat dengan kadai yg bejual cucur-cucuran. Luckily orang bomba yang pakai hall atu letting us to use one of the 3 courts. tankieeeeeuuuuuu~~ and the rest of the story only, us-us know~~ kan syb,nich,ct and wana?? *kirai2*
p/s: sukkkk (22nd Jan) Nyeh and Syb carian some-some for FYL, SIFU and NICH. Xaff and Dean mau???
Baby Wana, Lovely Hai, Bubbly Mis and Chibby CT (not chubby; dalenk CT you look so fine *wink*)
Grouping gambaran we~~ dukkk mis kejahatan, ct jua
Nana (lapsss you dalenk for always being with us and taking gambaran for us *kirai2) and Mizah (this girl payah kan dibawa begambar, inda ia mau meliat kamera)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tadi, time i was researching for historic design, i purposely googled D.O.U.B.L.E.C.H.E.E.S.E.B.U.R.G.E.R (i was sooo bored, reading about historic structures and all. lipattt jua tu).
Stolen from wiki
Hellewwwww again dabalchezburger readers,
No lectures in the morning so kami (BFF & Nana) liat mini wayang @ room 2f.28, while waiting for others to come for design's grouping-discussion. Wayang: Meet The Fockers. Harga Tiket: $4. Sila bayar arah kaunter yang tertentu. hahaha
Quote: You've been Fockerized. Assholee~~
Private Message to Shaqqy: Sorie pasal kaka nda dapat bawa adik jalan-jalan untuk makan.
Nana pun mau milokutak?? hehe *kirai2*
Nich and her exclusive milokutak