Friday, September 03, 2010
I have found this new game. I call it "Naming the flag". It basically shows you many of the national flags we've known and there are others that we've never seen them before but we've heard about the country itself. And the game will list down a list of five different countries (just like MCQ). You just click upon the answer corresponding to the shown flag. If it's correct, you move onto the next flag till you're out of faults (cam ani your lives to continue the game if your answer was incorrect).
If you play this games many times (just like I did, gila la addicted ku), you will find it hard to remember the country's name when you are shown with the flag that you've answered before. Testing your memory la this game. Especially if you're one of a kind yang forgetful macam aku! hahaha
Bendera Nepal Unik,