Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I won't say my first day of Raya was the worst or the best EVER! It's just...ermm...average?! Yea average saja. Not much photos taken because I was lazy to take any and I think Bonie also did not have the energy to snap-here-snap-there. But nevertheless, I should have done that. Everyone was wearing best clothing. Bright colours from the ladies and brownish and dark-purplish from the guys. Just lovely. Tapi rugi la. So basically, no recent family photos to bring to Belly. Bummer~
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
I need to limit myself from shopping anything I should not have. But the bags look so nice though they are pink. Hope menjadi and they come on time before the flying off event. Please. Please. Please.
I have found this new game. I call it "Naming the flag". It basically shows you many of the national flags we've known and there are others that we've never seen them before but we've heard about the country itself. And the game will list down a list of five different countries (just like MCQ). You just click upon the answer corresponding to the shown flag. If it's correct, you move onto the next flag till you're out of faults (cam ani your lives to continue the game if your answer was incorrect).

Saturday, August 28, 2010
A baby boy has just joined the family (on dad's side). A very congratulation to the new mother, Kak Wan and the new father, Abg Ronie and not to forget the new grandmother, my most beloved Tua!! I heard that Tua was worried to the core while the family were waiting for Kak Wan to deliver her baby. They were at the hospital since dawn. And Syukur Alhamdulillah, Kak Wan safely delivered her baby right before breaking the fast.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
The talk was inspiring and pretty nice.
Tapi calie.
No mutual feelings involved.
Just two people who care one another.
And I wish he would find the one thing that he still hopes for, love.
6 years,
p/s: Thank you Allah for everything.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Alai Hadi : What's your name?
Nyeh: Why do you want to know?
Alai Hadi: Because....I wanna friend you
He's only just a few years younger than Hazim and his english is so cute. I couldn't stand not laughing when he spoke to me in his cute and persistent tone. I also couldn't help myself to tease him till he gave up wanting to know my name.
Adore Alai Hadi,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I don't do AHMAZING stuffs during the holidays. I pretty much do the dull stuffs only which to me, they are my routines. Cam if I don't do one or two, I would just lay on bed, strecthing myself, and go to sleep despite knowing whether it's asar or maghrib, whether my stomach is filled or not. Yes, not a very good habit but what's done is done. Nah, macam serious matter tia pulang. haha.
My legs do not look so masculine, not like Jillian's. I don't do hikings anymore. Pasal the family hiking no longer ada. I have no idea why there's no more family hiking! Family hiking is fun ba. I miss the moments =s
And long time ago (inda pulang lama banar la), F bawa hiking tapi in the end, we end up eating fries at her house. Because I wasn't up for the hiking on that particular day. And lately I'm not an early-riser, waking-up-early thing tires me to the core. Not commited enough! TRUE!
No komen ku,
Saturday, July 03, 2010
"Kamu ani ah, inda kamu bejalan-jalan ka? Di rumah saja..." Mum
Bejalan salah, Inda bejalan pun salah. Mana satu nie?
Fell in love with 19!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Just a quickie because I had to update (karang ada orang marah aku MIA "lagi")
Anyhoos, my holiday so far was freaking AWESOME despite I had to be no-salary-full-time-driver! haha
FIFA fever,
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
People are just being humans. Humans are just beings made by Allah.
I'm so sick and tired of all the unnecessary things but then again, I remembered someone told me, "Mereka yang baik diduga dan mereka yang tidak pula sebaliknya." Thanks Pie.
I never start the fire,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I only managed to watch the first FIFA WC match between Republic South Africa and Mexico. Emm, I'm a tad bit sad about the match. Macam inda as excited as I was expecting it to be. Ada kurang! I did not get to watch the 2nd match between Uruguay and France. I was planning to wake up but then again, kalat mata ku ging. =)
I'm looking forward (if possible) a match between N and S Korea!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Is it wrong to have feelings?
Is it wrong to shed tears when you're alone?
Is it wrong to be jealous of others?
Is it wrong to have doubts?
Is it wrong to believe in something?
Is it wrong to want something?
Is it wrong to keep secrets to yourself?
Is it wrong to not open up to your closed ones?
Is it wrong to be human?
Thursday, June 03, 2010
The nightmare is here (next week to be exact, and I am really hoping that this is not true). I do not expect it to be this SOON! Arghhh! Mental breakdown! Nervous breakdown! Sweat breakdown! Heart breakdown! Mana-mana! Gahhhh! I hate you! REALLY HATE YOU!!
Yesterday, I had to use Kia pasal kana suruh and also pasal Latio's insurance expired. Time keluarkan Kia from garage di belakang, I bumped onto the neighbour's fence, yang hijau segala apa, yang pagar biasa saja, yang bukan batu-bata (nasib). Yes, some scratches on the front bumper, not that bad actually, bapa saja teluan obba. He bullied me to pay for the fixing the bumper, gilahan bukannya picak-memicak, warna hijau saja tetransfer ke bumper and hitam sedikit brabis!
Okiee la, I pay though I know he's just playing with me,
Friday, May 28, 2010
Life can be simple. Life can be complicated. Life can be dramatic. Life can be emotional. Life can be exotic. And Life can be anything you desire. It is your own choice, not for others to tell you what kind of life you should be living in. So live your life to the fullest. And banyak-banyak bersabar (to some people).
"You can have many friends as you want but remember this, only a few will be your closed friends and best friends."
I could not remember who said these words to me. But it really happened to me. Thank you to whoever you are.
Random: I think I'm going to cut my hair again. Shorter perhaps.
Hope they will stay strong,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My first ever walk-in interview happened this morning. I didn't get the job though the interview went well. It is just that they only require permanent workers. But I can only be temporary one. The person who interviewed me seemed a nice person, he said that I could try other civil company or something since I'm still doing civil course.
Anyhoo, I'm not disappointed. Not that I really want that job anyway. My dad suruh cuba. Like experience how it feels like to have a walk-in interview. Nervous? Absolutely yes! Calie? Awuu pasal teluan obba nebes atu, sampai aku kan inda jadi kan interview though sudah masuk dalam ofis.
Right after the interview, I was hungry, craving for JB's. So I went there, membali and there I was, teingat kan mau bekeraja di JB's. Hajat kan betanya if there's any job vacancy available there arah cashier nya since I didn't see the manager around. Tapi....kacut ku. hahaha yes the well-known temeng Nyeh, jadi kacut all of the sudden. Believe it! In the end, I only got my food and inda sampai betanya, and I just went out of JB.
BUT...I will try find a way to work there. Pasal aku mau merasa cana!
Kacut for once,
Monday, May 24, 2010
My nap time is back! And it felt sooooo good! I'm going to have it every single day! Yeaaa~
Oh yea, I need to clean up 3 rooms as soon as possible. 1 room for sure, usulnya kana puting beliung, papers sana sini, textbooks jua nya. And yes kim, it's your room (I know sometimes you read this blog of mine...booo~ balikan ku baju Bleach). But not to worry, your room is safe in my hands. wahahaha unless you buy me the shirt!
Oh today is Energy Day. So Happy Energy Day everyone. Implant the SOS code to your brains. Switch off any electrical appliances when not needed. I hope this one day would change Bruneian's mindsets. I hope.
Oh well, off I go to clean one of the rooms or maybe watch some Korean drama series..emmm
Lazybum I Like,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mission for 3 months of holiday is to get strong legs like Jillian's
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I really have no idea what's going on. It felt so cold and distant. Am I hallucinating due to lack of sleep? Or am I having my sudden emotional breakdown?
I really do not know. Oh God, IF only I know, just a little bit is fine for me.
I am truly sorry if I'm at fault and I am ver sorry for what really happened for which I really want to know.
Emotionally Mixed,
p/s: don't leave sarcasm because I don't get it anymore ='(
Monday, May 03, 2010
Something is really wrong with me when it comes to Structures. I guess all the hard work just went straight to the most bottomest blackest pit!
All I could do now is to pray and moving onto my next revision.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
This is bad. Seriously Bad!
I only manage to revise for my Structures and Maths. Atu pun still main-main. I am not freaking out as I used to be, which is totally not good at all. Not freaking out means I become lazy and my revision is not progressing the way it supposed to be. GILAHAN!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
For the last few weeks, I was being attacked by design coursework. Still ongoing even after the exam season.
Sorry to those who need me. =(
Hit me through my hanfun,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I am just a mere human.
No super power.
But I have the guts to stand up for what I believe.
I know I am at my limit but what the heck
Friday, April 02, 2010
Why there must be a 15% or 20%? Why can it just be 0%?
Leaving in fear of finite value of percentage.
Please let it be 0%!! Just cancel everything to make it zero. bulat. talur. bujur.
puffed eyes,
p/s: It's official that I'm blog-slacking off =)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
"Never judge a guy from the outside-look of his wallet, what's the inside is important."
Not a paper-chaser,
Monday, March 22, 2010
I could no longer handle this bloody muchness. It felt like my nose would suck everything with my inhuman power that I've never known to have one. The slimey mucus just won't stop coming out. The dizziness made my judgement of things going hectic.
Design Structures Test is tomorrow. And here I am, blogging while having a great time sucking all the micro-nano-air particles. I did finish revising 1 topic, but......emmm.......nevermind
Oh I just found out a website. To many, it may look gross to the point you would say ,"WTF?! EWWWWW" but some may find it enjoyable.
So here is the url of the website:
Tuck myself into bed (yes I have not finished my revision yet!),
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I heard it is only 1 more month to go, before THE BIG DAY comes. OMG, I'm having my advanced nerve-wrecking. I'm being paranoid tia. Some may have guessed what I'm babbling about. Or may have not.
No, I'm not on hiatus. YET!
Assignments and courseworks and class tests are marching towards me.
In need the interest in designing some geotechnical problems and structure's as well.
Requoted,"You should have told me who you really are."
Friday, March 12, 2010
Have you ever been in a mood-swing? It is when all of sudden, you're not feeling good. You're in your utmost fragile state and you would shed tears in a minute or even nano-second, despite your surrounding. You really have no clue why the sudden mood-swing. You felt great when you woke up but then, as minutes and hours passed by, *poof* the feeling just changed its course.
I was having one the other day. Ya Allah. Only He knows how terrible I felt that time. I felt like I wanted to run away from where I was but I forced myself to stay. My sudden mood-swing and behaviour had affected those dearest to me. I apologised for the other day. It looked like I had ruined the fun-ness.
Sorry again,
Sunday, March 07, 2010
The semester break was not a-week-break-from-study at all. I was finishing up the hydraulics coursework which its deadline is somewhere in April. I think it's on the 8th. Owh well, I've finished it during the break anyway. Thanking to you-know-whos. Puss-puss. And also, I heard there are going to be more COURSEWORKS coming. Hope the lecturers would give them sooner.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
This one particular thing really bugs me a-hell-lot! Anyone who are freely smoking in public especially when there are kids around. Seriously, ada jua law saying that smokers can not smoke in public areas (correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I've heard about).
So yea this happened when I was in one of the longest-Q (ever) at JP, along with my relatives. While waiting for about an hour or so, this one particular person in red started to light up his cigarette. I stared at him while he's smoking. Not trying to be rude but I just couldn't help it. I don't mind people smoking in front of me but in front of small kids, just tick me off. Come on, if you want to die early, jangan dibawa those innocent small kids jua. So, I tapped his shoulder and asked him as nicely as I could, because I was on the verge to loose my patience soon, to smoke somewhere else. I did not mean to make him a fool in front of his friends. I wanted to say thank you to him for listening. It was not my intention to start a scene or anything. I was just thinking about the comfortability of others.
Thank you again for the person-in-red. And I'm sorry if my way of asking of you was considered to be rude. Pasal some people did think that way. Luan unfriendly kali aku ani. Oh well~
Not an attention seeker,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My new eye-candy. He's young and he's cute. He's in SHINee, may be my next korean favourite band other than BigBang♥, still unsure but for sure this adorable eye-candy is in THE LIST. =))
♥♥♥ Minho
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I felt so dejavu when I saw this picture. Seriously. IDK
Picture taken by Bonie, pasal Nonie pajal ia.
Early morning. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Dreaming Canon EOS 7D,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Since THAT incident, I've been searching and googling what's the REAL definition of VOLUNTEERING.
So this is what I've found out (extracted from, and it is the closest definition to his action (especially the phrase I've bolded and resized and everything) I guess:
"People volunteer at church, school or community for many reasons: mostly because they want to help and be involved, but there are other reasons, too.
In some areas, like school and church, there's a significant social pressure to volunteer, it's frowned upon not to do it. So some people do it for that reason - just to keep or gain a good reputation. Some schools require their student's parents to volunteer a certain amount of hours or to pay additional tuition.
Other people volunteer to meet new people, like after relocating from another city.
People volunteer, because they feel the obligation to do it, or the passion.
Others again volunteer to fill a void in their lifes.
There are many reasons to volunteer, and many ways to do so."
Lesson learn: NEVER EVER (EVER) MAKE EYE-CONTACT whenever he asks for any volunteers to do some work for the class. NEVER!
Crap I just made an eye-contact (Run away),
p/s: expect for my next post of random photos. Not sure when =)
Monday, February 08, 2010
At the beginning I did not know why I made such drastic decision. Everyone was like shocked tahap jaw-dropped dah usul dorang. Nobody suspected anything. It just happened! Everyone judged as if what I did was a crime. Nobody knew what were the actual reasons I made such decision because I really did not know, not until I came across with the moment that I would remember for the rest of my life.
Thank you Allah for giving me the second chance to be the person that I could truly become. Thank you for loving such a mere being that much. HH&HM thank you for guiding me through this rough world of mine. I know you only want the best for me. =')
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Life can be cruel as learning ABC when we're still innocently small and freshly young. Why "cruel"?? It is because we were forced to ramp all the letters into our small brain by our parents and teachers or guardians, as that time as all we could think of was playing and playing some more. Am I right?
But then again, it is worth the pain to learn the first ABC and 123. But the pains in real life will leave permanent scars. Mistakes are learnt by hard. Regrets and fears are kept inside. Okiee enough talking about this. Just live life to the fullest. Ignorance to the things that annoy you is the key to your happiness (okiee inda banar ni but ignoring them is just one step for you to move forward)
I came across this while I was doing you-know-what.
Specially quoted, "pnyp2 bilik n bersih2kn bilik so messy n smile bad" - MH
This is a true cruelty to english vocab, that's my opinion. LOL!
Let's smell together,
Saturday, February 06, 2010
"The time is right to make new friends."
That's what my fortune cookie said. LMAO!! Yea right. Whatever~
Anyhoo, had a beach therapy before fetching up c Berudu-yang-komplen-ngapa-Dolaemon-inda-tolong-GPnya at PTEM. Yes O'level and AS/A'level results are out. Congratulations to those who got through, especially Kazen T. I expect a treat @ a decent restaurant is in your to-do list. Thanksss.Decide to be ANTI-sosial forawhile Sosial sama N&N,
Friday, February 05, 2010
Just a fact:
" You can make and have a lot of friends in your life. They can be from anywhere you can meet people and make conversation and then become friends as easy as ABC and 123. It is fun to hang out and meet at one place. Have a few laughs and some heart-to-heart conversations among each other. You build a circle of trust. A circle that ties both you and people, known to be your friends, together. You do favours for them and they do the same to you. You think that you and them will stay together laughing and weeping together forever but you never realise that there will be one day that togetherness crumbling down in front of you. Nevertheless only a few will stay by your side, and these people are worth of your time."
If you're offended by this fact of mine, I'm deeply sorry but this is the truth that I've been keeping for the last 6 years.
If your opinion about this fact is the opposite, feel free to convince me that this fact is totally not true.
Aching Gum (damn you wisdom tooth),
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've been Glee-ed all over.
The stars can actually sing BETTER than that of in High School Musical movies. SERIOUSLy!! And so, I am looking forward to watch its 2nd season. Hopefully it will be sooner. Owh by the way, it's really hard for me to express how much I LOVE watching Glee, so just wiki about this ah-mazing series. OR you could just watch one or two episodes at
Singing "I'll Stand By You" (dalam hati),
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Having maths lecture for this semester is like so-not-over-the-rainbow, man! It feels like stepping to the pits of fire and burn to the bones, segala marrow, segala neurons, NTAM. Yes simply said D.I.E!!! Gawd. Wanting-to-escape syndrome is own its way, but it will affect badly for my attendance sheet, if I'm letting this syndrome untreated that is. Need vaccine. Need medicine. Need NAP!! ASAP and NOW!!
Somehow it looks like I need to make my own rainbow for mathematics and for other modules too. I'm gathering every raindrops I could take with me and some sunshine and...WA-LA!!! Orange and Purple rainbow with no other 5 colors!! I want Orange and Purple only!!
Bonie Kau Eggs Tapi Aku Sayang Kau,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sad to know that Legion (most anticipated movie EVER!!) is banned in Brunei. Well it's not shocking that the movie is banned. The plot sounds like contradicting the teachings of Islam. Just wiki the movie and you will find out why.

Benci yang tak terhingga,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
"Sini dapat tah facebook ni lai" - Haji H
It's something new and it's something green.
Surprised? Yes I am! Jealous? Not in a million years. Hahaha okie okie. Just a tiny bit of jealousy. Tiny cam brabis-rabis micronya. Geddit??
Anyho, all the best of luck using it. I gotta feeling that the fun part will come when they really start using it! *GRIN*
eh eh eh
I got some story to tell : : :
Leggings punya pasal, Ketam and Hippo are officially sisters!!
Hahaha cina atu sigina memandai membuat statement banar~
Thank God because I could not get what she said about K&H at first. She said, "Kamu beratik?" Like what in the world is beratik?? So I let her go away, I asked K apa yang ia cakap banar nya. Then K said, "siblings"
LMAO!! beratik supposed to be beradik. Telursss
Love Papal & Oren tia,
p/s: Ms.Ai add tia c Lapsss atu ;)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Structures P.A.Y.A.H
I felt helpless and clueless on how to solve a few problems (well banyak sebenarnya) of Structures's tutorials. Felt stupid pun ada jua! I need Ketam to help me.
I felt like crying...
I did not have my nap because I felt so restless kan siapkan the tutorials.
But in the end, I got to finish one and two problems. Still I'm not satisfied with this! Benci!
p/s: ku tedengar orang di seberang ada teman yang bernama boyfriend
Monday, January 18, 2010
*Slow heartbeat of ESPEED*
Before the Espeed'g going to hibernate in a few minutes, I would like to say:
Hope you like the gifts that Bonie and I went all through BSB just to get them for you.
May Allah bless your life. Amin~
Thank you for everything!!!
Sayang Bonda Selalu,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Die man Die!!
I need to shop a few of new clothings but the thing is, whenever, for example, a pair of jeans (A VERY CHEAP ONE, BECAUSE IT GOT AN EFFING 50% DISCOUNT) is in my hand and it's the right size and I really want it, all of sudden my mind would say "Put it back. Maybe nanti ada lagi yang lawa dan murah.". Haaa I do have enough budget BUT ntah!! I want to save more because I've got the feeling that I'm going to have THE BEST SHOPPING SPREE (somewhere) soon!!! The question that I'm dying to know the answer is "WHEN IS THIS EFFING SOON KAN??"
Shopping dilemma,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Yes this blog should be on hiatus forawhile but only because aku sayang ia, I resume my blogging activity, until there will be a moment that I need to get back on hiatus. AGAIN.
Anyhoo, just now my Engineering Geology paper was okie, not saying that I'm going to get a Distinction. I may make some mistakes here and there. So yea, all I'm going to do for now is to pray getting a decent grade for this paper. Eventhough it is only one paper for 3rd semester, to me it is really a BIG DEAL! This 4th semester, there would be another 6 papers to belajar-macam-orang-gila. AND more pain-in-the-arse assignments and projects (kalie) to come.
Ubat stress ku: Lollipop, Hello-Panda & Sleep
My Starbucks-Lollipop-stock kan abis. Inda suka~ Hopefully soon ke Miri
My lollipops are my sun and my moon. My Hello-Pandas are my stars. Sleep is the only air I need to breathe. Wahh bida~
Dang F, you need to update me soon. Kabak-kabak ku sani pasal aku malar pikir kau kan update pasal kau kan kawin atau kau kan beranak. hahaha Soon okiee?? Concentrate saja on your revision for exams dulu.
My ketam, thanks for the geology-encouragement! Aku liat kau saja time exam atu, inda aku tiru-tiru ba. By the way, lawa ah bunyi parut grumbling ku. hahaha. Sangat la merdu~
Makan sampai INDA buruk gigi,