Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I'm kapishly exhausted but at the same time excited! Two days of new semester have gone by and so far, everything's turned out to be fine. Lectures were held as usual. New faces of collegues and new classroom but same old lecturers except one or two *kirai2*

FYI, there's going to be a class test on Structures this coming Saturday. Awuuu baru jua start semester, ada tia test. Well I'm up for it!! Azam baru ada sudah!! Except that I'm chicken pak pak freaking out about this so-called new system of DM (bukan nama sebenar). Quoted that a list of people/bengers who are not performed very well for this semester will be sent to the High Officers and their scholarships will be put on hold.

My gawddd, this is another wake-up call for me. Seriously! I am not joking anymore!! =s

Balipattt!!!! Takuttt!!! Freaking Outtt!!! Tapi okiee tia I, pasal I ada projek sama dorang; c budak suci and c crokkie po!! Lapsss youhhhh!!! I will try my best!!!

p/s: warning, I might be on hiatus sooner or later -.-
pp/s: let's C.S-ing