Sunday, May 17, 2009

McD's surprise Wenpei

Hellew DRs and Good Morning!!!!!!!

Next week will be my revision but despite that, a few lecturers will be giving last minute lectures and as well as last minute class tests. Yipeeeee.....NOT!! Gahhhhh, mintal i pasal dorang ambil during the revision week but it's okiee. I did some revising before that so it's alright. No worries.

Anyhow, this post will be about yesterday's event (16th May 2009) saja. Pasal lately i'm having short-term memory lost! tehehe pasal stress belajar kalie =D

Yesterday, no lectures pasalnya ada graduation day for INTAKE 22 (aka my seniors). CONGRATULATIONS to them!!! ITB was closed for the whole day. To kill the time (which i should be revising) i went out with Abg Jol early morning, right after I sent my sister to PTE Meragang. We went to the Post Office at Anggerek to renew driving lesen ku. Haha gilahan inda ku paham apa yang dorang tanya dalam form untuk buat lesen baru atu. hehe. Nasib baik Abg Jol ada =p haha. And there's more. I was trying to decide whether kan sambung for 3 years or just 1 year. and i didn't know dalam wallet ku tinggal berapa ringgit. ku tick saja for 3 years (which cost me $30). After ticking it, barutah ku meliat, tekajut ku ada 20 ganya di dalam, tapinya ku saluk-saluk segala pukit wallet ku, mana tau ada 10 lagi somewhere. By the way, i tend to saluk kan a few 10s, sekadar kan inda mau ambil rah ATM lagie. Nasib jua ada another 20. Ada jua belanja untuk ku makan breakfast. hehe

At noon, Liaw and Panyu organised a surprised birthday for Wen Pei. Here are the pictures. Sori banyak yang blur~ For more check facebook i. To Kimah and Deekay, minta segala gambar yang kamu ada. Pleaseeeeeee~~~ hehe Had fun yesterday...yesterday atu cam reunion usulnya but not everyone was there. bummer~~ malas ku kan mention, later i sad-sad which i don't want. Enjoy the pictures~

Taken by Nadi after the event

"Lyan was here" That's what she wanted everyone to know 'cause she had to leave early for her lecture/class at 2pm or so

Abg Jol i bawa jua, and in the middle, it's Nadi and at the end i always call him Karau pasal nick nya rah FB, Karau. hehe

Easy Panyu~~

Substitute Wen Pei's birthday cake

Arrival of Birthday Lady~~ Sorie dekat sampah

Guess who???

Shahrol also komplot niee for the surprise

Kazen also datang~~
Diambil oleh kazen Nyeh
Driver: Abg Jol. hehe

Sufi and Zahar also joined the fun. Pink babi~ ngapa you??

Not much changes especially him with the green shirt =p