Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tepost tia~

Tido teampai-ampai ku lapas ku membuat slides untuk CCTV (design) around 3ish or 4ish AM ka?? Then tebangun sebelum alarm ku tebunyi. haha gila tekalat ku pulang. hahaa obbbaa much~~~!!!

Anyway, today, dorang Wana, Ct & Abg Nordin had their resit Maths exam. Hopefully they're doing alright. Mudahan tah they make through. Amin!! Oh by the way, they're having their resit in our usual class, Room GF 31. Lipattt so this meant that those b.eng8s yang datang had to go to the library to do their respective work. And just now ada orang dalam library hush-ing us pasal some of us were too loud for that orang.

Oh telupa I one or more things.

  • Dalenk i LINA, bagi a small yellow-box and the insides are smileys yang i lapsss~~ thankieeeuuu Lina~~

  • Tadi breakfast c truly-innocent-Zhaf chong orang-orang yang tertentu. thankieeuuu Zhaf!!

  • c ED tetalk pasal c JMRAZ =p

  • Tecurhat i tadi sama S. thankieuu for becoming F forawhile~

  • Hi-tea, Ron chong orang-orang yang tertentu. haha sorie Ron, nada selera ku kan makan tadi. Janji minum okiee la tu

Kuchhh, I love you too!!!! hahaa