Monday, December 28, 2009
It's official.
Not that I'm getting married.
It's actually about my Geology Exam. And I'm freaking out now. Paranoid to the extent that I could not describe. Macam gila brabis paranormal behaviour ani.
The exam will be on 14th Jan 2010.
Need to memorise every minerals and everything about geology.
Need to study for the other modules as well, especially Structures.
This post will be my last. I won't update this blog until I get through my Year 2 with flying colours.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Bonie: "Were you even 18 when you first read that kind of book??"
Nonie: "Ermm nope, but she read at early age before I did."
Bonie: "I don't care about her. I care about you!"
Nonie: "What kind of care are you referring to?"
Bonie: (Speechless for a moment) "Go to sleep now!"
Manis 21,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Bonie, you're officially become my movie partner! Next movie outing is in Jan, I think.
Sherlock Holmes (starring Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law and Rachel McAdams) is just freaking awesome!! It's a 9-out-of-10-movie!! My kind of movie. You've got to have a sharp mind to watch this. Noticing every single, little details. Learning on how to invite your friend indulging in your outmost guilty pleasures. Nah! Teobba tia. Anyway, it is a recommended movie, just like Avatar! I'm not going to spoil the movie here if you're planning to watch this soon. =)
Konie, you're so gonna love this movie. I confidently made this statement!
So I can't wait for the sequel of Sherlock Holmes. I've got the feeling there's going to be one. Wohoo!!
And people, if you happened to love the Kung Fu Panda movie, a sequel of the movie is going to be soon, June 2011 (hahaha batah plang lagi). So watch out for that! I heard it's more epic than the first one. I HEARD!! - - - (Kung Fu Panda : The Kaboom of Doom)
Eh, I sound like a movie-freak tia. Hahaha. Owh well~
Hampa because I've seen not a glimpse of the trailer of The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus playing in any Brunei's cinema. Hmphhh~ =(
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
To believe or not to believe.
For all these times, we never take things seriously. There are always laughters, jokes and teasers whenever we have the time for one another.
Now things are slowly becoming a little bit serious, like it makes me a bit nervous. It also makes me think "Is this really happening?" "Why now?" "Are you for real?"
Nah! Too many questions I want to ask. But deep inside I can tell, I won't get even one serious answer if I did ask.
Oh well, let's see where in the world this will take both of us to.
Playing with words,
p/s: wish you were one step ahead =)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I was so happy today.
About everything!!
And I was swooned by the soft-ooziness of the Cheezbox's Ultimate Chocolate. I was drop-dead-swooned! PLUS there was a very gorgeous guy. Just gorgeous! But hey it was nothing serious. Just a few of minutes kind of crush and he's forgotten. If I'm happened to see him someday, wowzer~ crush ku lagi sama ia. Just like kisah ku dan Tronky. Nah!
Anyway, I really had no idea that my kids were planning to watch a movie just now. Expect the unexpected, so yea we went to watch Avatar. Sian~ some other time saja we watch Princess and the Frog ahh.
I did not anticipate much for this movie, unlike Sherlock Holmes (24th Dec), Alice In Wonderland (March 2010) and The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus (unknown for Brunei's cinema). Nevertheless, it was worth of watching and it was also a 2.5-hour-movie. I'm rating it 8.5. In words, it was a great movie. I love the scenes when it was night time. Cam lawa brabis. Just like fireworks in a pitch-black night sky!!
Talking about night, it was really a bad move to drink HOT Caramel Latte @ CB and it's really good and soothing. Because of that, now I can not sleep at all though I feel so tired. But anyway, it is a good thing to stay wide awake pasal something's just happened randomly and I smiled and I lolz-ed.
To one who's a crazy-netball chicka, do your best in Winter Games. I'm taking care of your fish, so don't worry about them much. Inda mati tu.
Get your cucur pisang while they're still hot,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
It seems like another non-productive day for geology. Feeling drowsy cam kan mau tido tapi ingau brabis sampai inda jadi tido lehnya. Tesiruk-siruk cam kan tetanggal saja idung ani. Feeling breathless because of the intense heat, not sure it is due to the fever or the weather or maybe both. Erghh~ paning ku. Exam is coming soon and Therapy will be before Exam (hopefully menjadi). Mun menjadi, ngapa hidup ku ani tebalik?
Nah~ internet down. I have to end this here.
Have to feel better sooner before therapy and exam,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I was sad tadi pasal our msn conversation terganggu pasal internet ku down. =(
Anyway, during the internet-down moment, I was browsing through (still feeling sad) some old picture-files. Pictures when we were young. Still freshy. Wearing PTEB's uniform. Posing like a bunch of camwhores. Ada yang emo. Ada yang jadi ulat buku. Ada yang pemalas. Ada yang happy gila cam dunia ani ia punya. So basically, everyone of different species was there in every memory taken. Gila I miss those times. All of sudden kan, I craved for teh tarik ping c Bibi tia!! Aku mau minum teh tarik ping nya!! ='(
p/s: aku suka liat gambar yang ada anak arab~ maju ia dah~
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm *cough* 16 years old. I love to watch cartoons and japanese animations. During the Jumaat prayers, my Bonie and my Hime, A and T, and myself went to Seri Qlap cinema to watch the Walt Disney's THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG.
Walt Disney never disappoints me when it comes to a 2D-hand-drawn animation. The very own typical Walt Disney's movie. Similar to the others such as Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Aladdin, Cinderella, Brother Bear and etc. Very magical and heart-warming. There's a twist about this movie. It does not exactly follow what's in the storybook, though there is a scene where the princess kissed the prince-frog. You just have to watch it to find out what! I'm not telling here.
And so I give 8 out of 10 for The Princess and The Frog movie. =)
Oh yea, I almost forgot. THE Oprah Winfrey lends her voice in the movie as the mother of Tiana (the heroine). Another thing, the sexy-Frenchy-Greeky accent of Prince Naveen is the voice of Brazillian actor; Bruno Campos. Awu banar nie, I googled right after I watched the movie because I was so damn curious who's the sexy accent belongs to. Nah! Orang brazil ku dapat. hehe
p/s: Need and Want are two different things.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Today's outcomes:
Pain all over body.
Minor headache.
New and fresh pimples. *emergency mode*
FUN-ness and FUN-ness again!!!
Owh yes. Another fun day for me today and also very unproductive day when it comes to Geology. aigooo~
I watched New Moon at Empire with a few of cousins, two of my siblings (Bonie and Hime) and as well as Uda. Owh yea, I forced myself to watch this NM 'cause everyone is watching it? gahhh Kristen Stewart needs to polish her acting skill AGAIN if there's another Twilight movie (aka Eclipse) coming up. Seriously!! All she did was panting, panting and another panting! Gawd sasak ku! Another thing about the movie, the character Edward Cullen is NOT hot and is NOT sexy (and his acting skill is alright for me), when being compared to the first Twilight movie. Was he being purposely made unhot and unsexy in the movie? I know that New Moon is all about Jacob Black being turning into a werewolf but Edward Cullen is one of the characters everyone is eggcited to see. And yes Jacob's look is hot and sexy but not hotter and not sexier than Rain. Well, the storyline is quite alright for me, not as chaotic as the first Twilight. So okiee la.
After the movie, we ate fast food at KFC. And then had a rest at Uda's house forawhile and we headed to Jerudong Park. We were just randomly thought going there after the movie. Like it was unplanned brabis!
At JP, we played everything we could lay our eyes on. Like we were bringing those who have never been going to JP, kanak-kanak yang damit la tu ah. Siok brabis dorang pasal dorang bulih main mainan yang HANYA KANAK-KANAK SAJA DIBENARKAN! So the 'adult'-ticket-holders only could watch the kids from far. Bummer. Playing bumper cars was the only thing I really wanted to do in JP. Gwad the adrenaline rush was so awesome!! And teriak-teriak macam you and your group of people own that place! It was AWESOME and effing FUN!!
In the end, it started to rain, so every excitement, awesome-ness and fun-ness had to stop there and we need to head back home! =( *sobs*sobs*
But anyway, everything turned out to be the greatest Sunday ever! I meant EVER!!!!!!
another note: STILL salivating over Rain
p/s: Gonna burn Bella! Burn biatch!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
How do I feel?
I seem to have no feelings at all whenever I know that there are someone who hate me behind my back but pretend to be all nice whenever they meet me. Oh well, that's their rights to hate me and I do not care about them. And I don't intend to make them love me either. These people are not worth for me to bother about.
So continue your pretending game, and I will play my part as long as you want. Two people can play that game. Bring it on!
p/s: FUCK YOU penumbang and penumbang's minions!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This day marked as the last day of first semester of Year 2. The very last NEARLY-ONE-HOUR lecture was Geotechnics. The lecturer's reason why he stopped lecturing at that nearly an hour moment was because: He wanted the whole class to answer an evaluation form. It's kind of like the very few last links I shared on some university (please refer my NOV 2009 post: Something to think about). But in his evaluation form, you only need to read a statement, and tick any one of these followings: STRONGLY AGREE, AGREE, DISAGREE, STRONGLY DISAGREE and NOT APPLICABLE.
A moment when everyone's having a great a-minute-or-two tanning just to get in a group photo =)
There is still a moment when you look similar to one another =)
A moment when you can not get enough. You just want more and more. Sambil ilangkan minyak muka =)
A moment when you think only have to face forward and never look back but please do look at the back for sometimes, past can really teach you something valuable=)
A moment when you need to jump whenever you're against the lecture! haha Inda masuk =)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tomorrow there will be no classes for design and as well as structures! Thank you DM! But I need to finish up the geology report by tonight or karang subuh. Need to submit it before Thursday's noon. Gawd how I wish that there would be no Geothechnic's class on Thursday ahh~ Well wishing too much ain't good, I guess having no class for tomorrow is quite acceptable.
Oh I almost forgot. I'm going to have my semester break in 2 days time. Meaning to say, Thursday is the last day for the 3rd semester. Then holiday break starts. However, during that break, need to revise on Geology module because there's going to be an exam paper someday on the first week of 4th semester. Aigooo, my holiday would be less fun tia nah, but fill with all the rocks and minerals, all the geological structures, limestone, sinkholes that sink, inlier, outlier, dipping and striking.
Alright then, will update soon, but don't expect much posts from me during the break. =)
p/s: salivating you still~
Saturday, November 21, 2009
26th Nov 2009
Anxiously waiting for the premiere of Ninja Assassin. Trying my best to control my drool-pipe system from overflow. Kyahhhhh~

Sorry Robert Pattinson

Other than those hot abs, the movie is action-ninja-packed with loads of blood-gusher scences which I truly adore!
Please let the premiere on 26th! PLEASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p/s: WET RAIN (triple ticked & checked!!!!!!!!)

Friday, November 20, 2009
She: " to my ear."
Love Chowder. Love all the junkies. Love the craziness.
- Beyonce Knowles Lyrics
A song from Beyonce Knowles. A very nice song!! A tad bit of emo-ish but nice. Just so you know, you can't hear the song here, I just posted the song's lyrics. =)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It really hurts.
How I wish I did not care about you in the first place.
Yes I'm regretting, call me ungrateful but the way you're acting now really hurts.
And I'm thanking for that.
p/s: pisang saya rindu awak. ='(
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Never leave any face color crayons behind or these kids might end up like this. The mum frustrated what her children had become that last Saturday night.
We did not mean to hurt others. This is not racism. This is not sarcism. We only did this for the sake of art and creativity.
A word of apology if there's whom taken this to heart. Sorry
Friday, November 13, 2009
"Is your moustache the source of your
If it is, then please don't set so
difficult question because most of us don't have moustache"
Click this link and you will know why....
Thank you Fizzah for sharing. Gila I felt gloomy and lazy tadi, now not anymore but first I need to sleep before I start revising something (hopefully). To you, take a rest forawhile, jangan feel guilty if inda belajar for one day. Next day saja you compensate to study. Take care~
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Last Monday, the future contractors went for a geology trip, lead by the one and only DS. We went to Pantai Berakas and Lamunin area (Kpg Kiudang & Kpg Mungkom) to observe the different and limited geological structures.
Breakfast and lunch were being provided, so everyone did not worry much about being hungry the whole day.
The other main objective of the trip is to burn the unnecessary calories and fats! To those who wore the combat boots that day, burnt more than the rest. So give a hand to them *clap* clap* clap*
Yet again, sorry to say that this post is picture-less , don't ask why. Let just say I'm facing technical difficulties with the blogger. Will upload a few at facebook. Erkk, I have not yet uploading the album for c Bakhil. Damnit!
I love geography and thank you to Sir H for the lessons, though I never show any appreciation for your effort to make me learn geogragphy. Thanking also to the rest of my geo teachers, without them, I would not get a decent result for my O'level geography. =)
Thursday, November 05, 2009
The Haji Hasnan's family has just received a package from UK.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I felt me again. I felt more environmental than ever! It has been awhile I did any environment-thing in groups. It was wayyyyyy back during the form 6th. Max 2 years gap. So yeah, I felt so good because I contributed my part to the environment by cleaning the beach. Well I do still try to reduce the usage of plastic bags when I'm shopping. If the goodies can be carried in my bag or by hand, I refuse to have plastic bag.
There was once, when I was buying this bread at this particular bakery (won't mentioning its name), the cashier assisstant was packing my bread into a plastic pack, and I did told her not to put that pack inside another plastic bag, but I guess she could not her me (Me who tends to have loud voices, even orang di UK bulih mendangar, too much, right? hehe). So when she was about to put IT into the effing PLASTIC BAG, I motioned her and gave her the look that I DID NOT WANT ANY FURTHER PLASTICFICATION!!! So she put the bag aside and I paid my bread, feeling annoyed of what just did.
So back to cleaning the beach part. It was Sunday afternoon at 4pm-ish. I was late. Nich was waiting for me at Jerudong Beach because I did say that I would leave home by 3.30pm but I was soooo hungry and I ate till I had forgotten what time that was. Sorry Nich. So there I was being fashionably late (=p), I knocked Nich to come out of her car, and I was responded with "Di mana T ah?" hahahaha you cracked me up Budak Suci. I thought you're going to lecture me for being late, because I know you would.
So after the T event *kirai2*
We joined the group and took any necessary things like gloves and black-big plastic bags. Kami jadi tukang putik sampah yang professional. We sorted the the rubbish into things that can be recycled and things that can be dumped straight to the dumping site ground.
Nich and I did have time playing in the water pasal we were bored and the members were busy on the other side of the beach, and we did our part, so we decided to take a break forawhile.
Pictures were taken candidly and professionally by the tukang putik sampah throughout the activity.
Some familiar faces were seen. I miss you guys tia. Nah! (BJ's tone)
How I wish Nich could be there with me during the sunset but she had hal negara. So it's okiee, as long as, she dangan kan aku jadi tukang putik sampah, representatives of ITB. wahaha Thank you dalenkk~ FOR EVERYTHING.
I hope the next activity would be great as this and time yang aku free brabis: meaning NO lecture and NO exam/test. *crossing my fingers*
If some of the Bengers interested being environmentalist or being a volunteer to do some charity work, so ask me if there's any activity going on. Or you could just visit the UVC's official blogsite (UBD Volunteer&Charity club). I have the link somewhere in this blog of mine. Please let me know if you're interested, teriak at my facebook or in the class ka.
Pictures will be uploaded soon.
For now, this post will be picture-less
Owh yeah almost lupa:
May Allah bless you two.
p/s: I hope your happiness level was filled though just a little bit =) Love you~
pps: somone just got back~
Saturday, October 31, 2009
On the night of Halloween, someone has turned 46th. And he is given with new wallet and new shirt of Goldlion. May his health to be in good condition and his life to be lengthen. May his love for his family and friends and co-workers to be cherished.
AND, to Uda Aji aka twin brother Bapa: HAPPY 46TH BIRTHDAY!!! May Allah bless him and as well as his family.
3 days of non-school would be unproductive as usual. Means no study or revision and no doing assignments. Arghhh telur rabus banar~
Lots of pictures were taken. Mostly non-human saja, yang yes-human, sikit brabis saja. Yang yes-human, banyak nya yang candid because they told more stories than the non-candid ones.
Attack of the sea waves
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
No baby.
She adores Tronky.
Tronky can not be together with other 5 tronkies.
So thus, Tronky always be the one and only.
But she is not in love with Tronky.
After my class, I went straight to Hua Ho Manggis, after parking di basement, aku tejumpa c Zimah dan adik nya c Ain!!!!!!!!!! Inda ku pecaya aku jumpa c Zimah, ging seperjuangan ugama ku dulu-dulu~ =') Aku rindu ia brabis!!! Lama brabis kami hilang kontek!!! LAMA BRABISSSSSSSSS!!!! She's still the old Zimah I used to know. FUNNY AND FUN!!!!! I still respect her for being elder than me tapi still aku buli ia~ Kami exhange news pasal orang lain yang seugama dengan kami, yg kami MASIH ingat saja la. Maklum la lama brabis, behabuk dah kisah ugama ani. hehe tapi yang paling buduhnya, aku lupa minta contact number nya, atu silahau~ anyways, I'm hoping brabis to meet her up somewhere or anywhere or whenever. That time I will make sure to get her number.
I'm on my way to upload an album for Hakim Hasnan. Video atu not sure, but will try to find way to upload it arah FB, mun inda di sini kalie or during the next summer holiday saja ia meliat =p
Things I NEED to do for tomorrow:
- write up agenda for the meeting Communication part and give it to Haszmie
- do some derivations for Design (ani not sure aku mau buat ka inda but still in the list ku masukkan)
- do Structure's tutorial =S
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fizzah Emran
" daylight saving is when u save the light during the day.. hehhe... nadawah.. erm its like saying that the UK summer time is over like its the last sunday now kan inoctober, jadinya tadi pagi when i woke up it was 7am instead of 8am, kira the time terpanjang sedikit, then now kitani punya time difference between bru and uk is 8 hours and not 7 hours anymore.. thats y some ppl kdg2 confused like whether time diff in bru and uk is 7 or 8 jam.. but that nanti like maybe in spring kali next year balik semula to 7 hours difference lah.. i think it has something to do with where uk is facing towards the sun, i tink lah inda tahu.. bt something to do with its location this time ard the year.. okay? aku inda tahu if im helping or aku make ko more confused hahha.. but that the basic stuff ayt! "
Friday, October 23, 2009
For the last two days, starting right after the structure's test, I did not study a single thing! So now, insyaAllah I am going to start my-study-on-a-single-thing but definitely NOT structure. Geology's mapping work will be on Monday ani, so yea need to revise something about rocks for that work. Sama jua on tuesday, ada mock meeting for communication. Kana ambil markah ka?? I hope not! Sasak ku communication ani banarnya tapi aku cinta DC pasal she's like a bestseller novel!! And jua nya I have a feeling that there will be another test on structure (Elastoplatic bending) next week jua nya.
So another busy week for me. =S
But it's alright for being busy! Mun inda main game saja ku karang. So it is a good thing for being a busy bee. Tapinya ada jua buruk nya pasal, no time to socialise?! Hahaha sejak bila ku kan socialise ani?? My blender has been in repairing mode until now so I can not use it for the time being. And also my sleeping hours will be disruptED, corruptED, disturbED, EVERYTHING!!!!! So expecting to bayar my zakat tido during the following weekends!!
p/s: need to get rid this sweetness-after-long-afternoon-nap! Concentrate on textbooks!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The new equation that only some can solve:
DM + DS = ?
Click the question mark to check what the answer to this new foundED equation. =)
credits to this blogger
"YES, I will marry you because I'd like to date you too!!"
Infinity LOVE Ryan Reynolds =)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Yesterday's structure test was alright but there were a few (or a lot) of careless mistakes being made in my paper, so biar tia. Most did not expect that the questions were direct and "easy". No need further thinking, just apply the fundamentals of the structure and we able to get the answers straightaway.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Beng 8's openclass celebrasi was held this morning till semahunya-dorang-mau-stay.
Thank you for those lecturers who did come and especially to those who organised an amazing event! Clap for them!
We ate delicious catered lunch & one dish made by Ka Ain.
We drank till we drunk.
We ate all the sweetness we could find and as well as the sourness.
We mingled amongst ourselves.
We took lots and lots and I-really-mean-it LOTS of pictures.
We did poco-poco lead by Nana.
We also did aerobik-bersama-Eddie.
Pictures will be uploaded whenever there's a free slot for uploading. For now, sabar ye. (UPDATED: PICTURES UPLOADED DAH ARAH FACEBOOK!! - LIAT SAJA DI SANA)
This morning, we had a surprised visit from Minister of Education of Thailand. Loads of paparazzi were taking the pictures and videos. So smile bengers. =))
p/s: will come for tomorrow's event right after the class test. This time I'll make sure that I myself will enter that CH building =). Missing you guys alot!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Someone's turning 21 jua but a few days later than mine. aiyooo~ why am i always the youngest kan?? hahaha
Anyway, hope you like your birthday presents dalenk, that is the geology test+cupcakes+gifts from you-know-whos. Sorry pasal inda meriah but at least you have Po, Nana and I to celebrate with!!
Sorry not much to talk about pasal your day is too "personal", yes?? So it is just between the two of us, I won't write anything here. But rest assure people, kami inda mengumpat. Mun ada yang terberasin, bukan kami tu! hehe
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICH KU KIUT!!!! May Allah bless you. Love you lenk~Mwahssssssssss =)
Updated: The promised pictures:-
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tomorrow Monday, I will be having a Geology Test which I'm not ready 100%. So need all the lucks and tawakal for the test.
I am still not sure when the Structure test will be. Some say Tuesday. Others say Wednesday but a few say Saturday. So whatever~
I really, really, really want to attend the UVC activity on 14th Oct; Ice-breaking and Recycling activity. But then again I'm having either a test or lecture. Hopefully nada so that I could attend this green-wonderful activity. I want to be active in this kind of green movements. I want to be a civil-environmentalist engineer!! haha That's way too much. I want to be more green than I used to. So hopefully I could join and attend some of the activities. Cam siok brabissss!!! Fingers crossed (supaya nada test or lecture)!!!
For more info on the UCV activity, go to Billy J's blog.
To ZHAFRAN OMAR, wish you have a great birthday though test isuknya. Mudahan ko pass test atu la. Pasal ko memang handal zhaf =p
Friday, October 09, 2009
21 is just a number. And yes I am 21 years old. Yea me! Haha Still I look much younger than c Berudu. =p
Anyway a bunch of thank-yous to those who greeted me through text messages, my facebook wall, facebook status and as well as through msn. THANK YOU SO MUCH! To those yang telambat greet, it is alright. So do not feel guilty or anything and I won't balas the same thing you did when it comes to your birthday. So once again jangan rasa besalah, ogehh?? =)
How was my birthday??
Well, I had a very wonderful breakfast of roti pisang yang ditaja oleh NichKuKiut.Co. Thank you Nich&Qam for buying and sending roti pisang to my house early in the morning. Sorry if tecium bau yang inda patut ada di awal pagi jumaat. hehe
While I was eating my roti pisang, my dad brought this huge white box with purple ribbons. He said ada orang tinggalkan di depan pintu rumah. I knew that he was lying tapinya aku layan saja tia. And aku happy brabis pasal I got 2 handbags yang kiut brabisss, and yes I also got a butterfly keychain and tatty bear birthday card!! Love them!!
Right after the Jumaat prayer, my family attend a family function at Bebatik Kilanas. And thank you because not all the family members remembered that I was having my birthday, mun nda abis ku kana buli.
Then after that, I rushed to the airport to send off a few of my friends. My seniors to be exact. They're continuing their 3rd year at University of Belfast (Norther Ireland). So all the best to them and take care.
Lastly, went to have dinner with the family at Swensens. It was lovely tapi someone was MIA. Because of he's having blasted adventures at UK so inda ia jeles la yang kaka nya yang di brunei belanja the rest of the family dinner di Swensens. Abdul Bakhil, send me gifts from UK okiee, jangan karit, ko inda sayang kaka ka??
Butterfly keychain that I adore so much!!
ps: Bananariela thank you for the call =) kakalingling loves yohz.
pps: Nich, Syb & Wana jangan sedih ogehh??
Thursday, October 08, 2009
A tale that was told by Usu
A friend of his friend is a steward. He was serving food to an European guy.
Steward: "Sir, are you a VEGETABLE?"
European: " Do I look like a carrot to you??"
Hahahaha he's supposed to say VEGETARIAN but instead he said Vegetable. By the way, I'm a broccoli. Nice to meet you carrot =p
I was on hiatus for two weeks plus just because of being a hantu raya during Syawal =). And also a cousin of mine just had her wedding ceremony for three whole days (from Friday until Sunday). Tired ku brabis pasal terlampau banyak ambil gambar yang candid =)
On the way to upload all the bangas photos when being the hantu raya and as well as time orang kawin jua at my facebook. So just wait okiee?
To Fizzah, Hakim and Deekay, take care in UK =)
p/s: may go on hiatus again but not sure when
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I would like to greet anyone who is reading this a Happy Eid Mubarak.
Forgive for all my wrongdoings if there are any =)
Enjoy celebrating and have fun!
Last Thursday afternoon, I was at The Mall, being jobless because I did not attend the afternoon's lecture due to certain crime I attentively commited, along with N and S! hahaha Anyway, while I was sightseeing some shoes, I saw this woman, wearing a tudung AND short (knee-length) tight jeans. Well I do not mind ladies wearing a tudung and a short-sleeve t-shirt but wearing like that kind of attire, made me want to say to her, "ia ani betudung bukannya untuk menutup aurat kan, tapi seluar pindik, silahau kali, mun alasan nya betudung pasal puasa, bek plang ia jangan tah betudung langsung, menghina usulnya ia ani arah orang-orang yang betudung." I was there in front of her, ku liat ia banar-banar, ku liat kulit kaki nya yang te-expose ah, aku plang lain usul ku tapi inda ku peduli eh. Ia ba luan silahau. Ugama apa kan dipelajarinya sampai tudung beseluarkan pindik nampak lutut?? I am not trying to say that aku alim ulama' tapi tau la ku batas-batas cara pakaian ani. Buduhhh tah banar~ Walaupun mesti nampak fashionable bini-bini atu. Walaupun jua atu jenis seluar yang ia ada, lagi baik ia inda betudung LANGSUNG!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's 4 minutes to 1 o'clock in the morning. YES 1AM and yours truly is not yet tugging herself in bed. I'm mentally and physically exhausted but I don't feel that way. I'm feeling hyper and I want to do some cleaning but then again, it's not the right time to clean things up. Everyone is sleeping and I don't want any of them feeling grumpy just because I disturb their beauty sleep.
Lately I feel like want to have sungkai outside. I've tried Capers, Lamie and Swensens. The food were worth the price. Capers, I love the All-You-Can-Eat buffet which only cost me around $15, and I love its lamb shank and also the pasta yang ada ribs. They are the best! At Lamie's buffet, they always serve Udang Galah, and it's only $8 per head for adult! Makanan nya yang lain pun nyaman jua. Swensens, LOVE THE CHOCOLATE CAKE AND BREAD PUDING!! My mum thought that at Swensens they only serve Western food, but I told her inda. They also serve makanan yang macam nasi, daging, ayam and all. Tapi deserts nya paling nyaman!!! Inda rugi makan di sana for $12.80!!
Hopefully, aku sampat sungkai di Excapade or anywhere yang nyaman makanan nya. I heard Rizqun not bad jua. Tapi I wanna eat Cheesy Fries at Ideal. The other day I ate Dabalchez yang takeaway but no fries which I told my mum to buy the fries. Unfortunately inda ia membali, stress ku. It's incomplete when there's only dabalchez but no McD fries!
Owh yea, the whole family on my mum's side went to Nini's house right after sungkai together at Lamie's. Before that we had this ziarah-kubur event at 4pm plus or early. Anyway, at Nini's we had our prayers there and we helped her out to tidy up the house. Lipattt banyak habuk!! Amahnya (kami panggil ia c Bibi pasal kami inda tau namanya) inda bulih diharap! Though I'm a lazy bum-bum tapi she's more than a lazy bum-bum. Pemalas tahap bintang dewa-dewi ba ia atu.
Okie then, I think I should go. Later I have lectures starting at 8am and I need my sleep NOW! Teannoyed ku pasal cuti raya seminggu ganya and design test is confirmed on this coming Saturday. =S
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I'll follow you until you love me~~
The doa selamat+khatam event was turned out to be as predicted. There were some chaotic activities occured especially in the kitchen. Haaa riuh~~ sorang-sorang dengan emosi nya menyusun kek, agar-agar, lapis, lapik, bingka dan mana-mana. Ada amah atu nyaring banar suara nya, tapi inda ia marah banar nya. Lipattt ia~
Special thank to F for helping out, I couldn't imagine how all the kek, agar-agar dan segala-gala nya kana hidang kan. And also, adik ku, yang besar, yang dicintai, yang disayangi tapi kadang-kadang amat ditakuti, for helping out jua. Eh eh sama kazen dan peradian =) Tomorrow I'll help you guys jua at your place, okiee??
Tonight I've found out that DK is supposed to be my relative, aka sepupu 3 kali. Cana leh aku tau?? Haha I was talking to my aunt who's working at ITB's admin, we're talking about our life at ITB during the fasting period (yea we got life at ITB jua). Then all of sudden, she asked me, " Lai tau ko yang DK atu sepupu 3 kali mu?" Ku jawab la "Inda, banar ka??" "Awu, cuba ko tanya Tua mu" Sekali ku tanya, panjang cerita nya ba cana kaitan DK with my family on my dad's side la. No wonder DK did ask me if I've got any relative at ITB. Lipattt ia~ Eh ertinya aku sekazen ngan c Q?? =s
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I was in a good mood but all of sudden tsunami hit me without me knowing it. Gawddd I suffered alot! I was so stressed out and I could not stand or sit any longer so I swam till I found the highest ground so that I won't be dragged along by the tsunami. At the same time I found KitKat 50 sen of NichKuKiut Co. =)
I think some of you may know that I've publised some photos during Capers annual 2009 at facebook. So check them out there because I won't be uploading a few of them here. The one and only reason is I am a lazy bum-bum.
I'll be busy 3 days in a row this week with all the jemputans and tests as well. I've got a feeling that on Saturday there will be (FOR SURE) a test on Structures which was postponed last Tuesday due to unreasonable-reasons made by DM?? Insyallah I'll be free next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday is fully booked by Nini =) So to my beloved ambuk, lmao and pink babi and ikan jua nya, choose any day, and I will try to see if those 3 days alum ku kana booked. Yes I'm bery the pemes, hahaha yatah karang. Nah terogayah tia ku lagi.
p/s: Hoping hujan cucur udang di Lambak setiap kali ambuk kan lari dari rumah, amin!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Yesterday's sungkai out at Capers was G-R-E-A-T and as well as the followed-up event *wink*
A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO BILLY.J FOR THE INVITATIONS!! Jangan jara Byl~ if you get what i mean.
Anyway, the buffet and all the food were quite okiee. I ate a lot though I ate very slowly. Ada orang tagurs yang aku eat bery the slow *winking at that little devil*
We talked!
We laughed!
We mingled!
We ate!
We drank!
We ordered!
We calculated!
We teased!
We gossiped! (nah kedapatan tia)
We busybodied but never CSed! hahahaha Nah just joking!
Overall all of us had a great time and as well as ended up feeling sleepy because of kanyang!! Hehehe
Right after, the four of us (me, Fizzah, Husrin & Fish) did the illegal bombing! But no worries, kami ada catalogue nya so inda kana saman la! Hahaha Thank you guys for the blasting night!
Instant msg: Will upload a few pictures sooner or later~ Busy life tia ku till next week and yes tani breakup sweetderamer. but the week after we nyambung tia
p/s: Watch out for Miss Rogayah in your neighbourhood!! (a joke with Bish S)
Saturday, September 05, 2009
There I was being jobless, while waiting for the clock to be 3.30pm, I browsed through IMEEM, a music website that is. I randomly clicked on this particular link and few minutes waiting for the downloading, I heard a very familiar song playing. The singer started singing with " Oh Te'a....." Sekali ku dengar balik-balik rupa-rupanya aku malar dengar rah radio, and......
Aku pikir band ani indon pasal suara penyanyi nya so indon-ish, sekali I googled this band called A Band Once, rupanya band tanah air ku, asteeee di mana saja ku masa ani?? Lipattt maju dah band-band brunei ani, and even penyanyi-penyanyi brunei. Just google them! The results turned out to be amazing! Cam maju la~
So try to hear this band's other songs, very much sound like indon-ish jua, serious!! This band makes their songs more unique in a way tapinya. Ntah la, that's my opinion, not sure for the others. If you love Nidji, SO7, Samsons or any Indonesian bands, YOU WILL LOVE THIS BAND JUA!
So then I'm off to browse more Brunei's artists, other than Hans Anwar (ani saja artis brunei yang aku tau, lame right?)
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Felt so breathless right after zooming back home from ITB. Pasalnya babu wanna use the White Latio to go shopping. Hoping she will drop by the petrol station to buy some for the car, because I've spent too much of my allowance to buy this and that (referring to TEXTBOOKS). Gawdd, please babu, for this week only~ For the sake of my one and only lecture class on this Saturday. Yes, I am going to have one lecture on that day for which I should be having my SCP the whole day. To those who never seen or heard of SCP, the meaning is slightly the same as Personal Study *wink*
I can not wait for the upcoming sungkai outing or should I say outings? Oh no, I need to keluar kan some of my allowance again! Errrkkk~ (Mudahan elaun persendirian berhad kana bagi awal, amin!)
Just so you know, my school day was ended with by watching a movie entitled : Bring It On, and by getting a very big smile from Kinder Bueno or Tronky (pasal ada orang atu memajal memanggil ia ani ;p) So lapsss tia I walaupun tesakit parut and tesakit kepala. Hee
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
This is what a group of three friends did yesterday in between Design and Structures: someone's paper tore it into pieces and combined the pieces together again, just like a puzzle.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A quickie: THE sisir pink is officially and safely being handed over to c-LMAO today afternoon at UBD. Selamat~
Anyway today I have been teAMAZED, teSHOCKED, teANNOYED, teNERD and teSLEPT!! hehe
p/s: remembering you always sisir pink~ haha thank you pasal making my bag looked so berat in a way ;p now ringan tia
So much to do but too lazy to do all of them. Gahhhhhh~ (not mintal nie)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Salam DRs
picture credits to this blogger
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Today DM's lecture for Structures was VERYYYY "HEART-WARMING"!!! hahaha awuuu, those who were there terasa jua kali. Pasal during his lecture, JARANG brabis ia kan to lighten up the tensed class. Ani, bejoking ia towards the end of his lecture ah. Camm okiee apa angin nya kan bejoke? Tapi as usual, typical DM, masih jua ia mau kan takut-takut kan kami.
Today's line: "I STUDY MORE THAN YOU (referring to the class) BEFORE MY LECTURE...................I WILL GET MAD IF YOU DON'T GIVE YOUR BEST, SO DO THE BEST YOU CAN."
Well, it somehow went like that, yang dot-dot panjang atu, ada lagi ia cakap but I do not want to include them in. =D
Ayt then, I'm doozing off to bed and hopefully I will dream about shear stress, normal stress, torsional stress formula and mana-mana stress!
p/s: Lame=Nerd????? a very big problem that I could not prove in calculation! lolz
A message was left on my car last Monday. Baru tah aku tepost. heee sorie yea~
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
There is someone who does not like surprises!! Haha anyway, it is just ONE surprise, and it will not hurt you badly. I have given ia two hints for ia to guess what it is or should I say they are.
Hint #1: They are pink!!
Hint #2: You can find them at ITB!!
Bish S, give up dah ko??????????????????????????
Payah ahhhhhh..............................................................
[ scroll down if you are dying to know what they are ]
Bish, kami pengikut setia mu. Hahaha cam banar~ Hope ko inda lamah jantung time ko curious brabis apa surprise kami. Sekadar ganya kami ani. Apa jua ani kan?? No biggy =p Kami saja luan obba arah mu
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I wonder why ia blacklist aku..what did I do to ia?? sedih ku ='(
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Someone is bridexing SOON!! *kelips2* TAPAU FREE GIFTS untuk orang-orang yang tertentu TERUTAMA SEKALI saya =D
Last Sunday, my family attend this wedding ceremony next door. Right after "makan-makan" and all, my aunt called up my mom's phone, they were talking about cookies for Raya, if I am not mistaken. Anyway, while my mum was on the phone, all of sudden there was a gush of wind, and blowing hard the "atap" of the khemah. And guess what?? Ada air betakung bah arah atap atu. Apa lagi tesimbah my mum dengan air atu, lols, siann, aku pun tekana jua tapi inda seteruk ia. Sian la banar-banar. So I asked her if she wanted to go home at that moment. All she did was smile and laughed! And she said we just had to wait forawhile, tunggu ada orang balik jua. Luckily, the baju she was wearing that time inda nampak "wet".
On the very same day, went to watch THE PROPOSAL with those 3 yang swimming time aku ada class!!! Hahaha I LOVE IT!!! Ryan Reynolds I LOVE YOU!!! Your six packs are so mengeliurkan bukannya macam sorang atu *melirik arah orang yang ada one pack saja* And also, had a very last minute slumber but we did not stay for long.
Owh yea, SOMEONE just got her driving lesen dah~ bila bawa kerita?? If kepanasan parking di ITB, parking saja di QUB =p CONGRATULATIONS dalenk (you know who you are)
Lately, I feel like inda lagi batah aku kana kianati..haha obba~ but I know there is one who has blacklisted me. Oh well, I love you too and nice knowing you =) *crossing out one's name from my list* x)
Lapss, Nyeh
p/s: need to read Structures before collapsing onto the bed
Saturday, August 08, 2009
I have no further comment on Structures' Test this morning. hemphh! Speechless ku time membuat, well andang jua inda bulih becakap ba. Haizz, Syb and Zap, our prayers should be no DM+no test, but we only got no DM but test was still on. Apa la nasib we~ Anyway, a very typical behaviour of DM being a busybee. DM asked this one lecturer to babysit us during the test, because DM got something to attend to, something like that. Apa revision di librari, not fully-fruited during the test. Hahaha, that's all I could say. =)
Anyho, I MISSING YOU THE BERY MUCH F!! BERYYYY, HOPE TOMORROW WE GO ON A DATE WITH THE OTHERS (especially B&S)!! My gawd, it has been a week we have not seen each other. Buduh ehhh~ Rindu tahap kucing tia i now. Oh Ahad, inda ku tau apa plan ku isuk ani...Inda i mau jobless...I inda mau ke arah jemputan (if ada jua)...
p/s: tais liur kan karipap begulung ;p
pp/s: fallen raindroplets (thank God!)
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I'm kapishly exhausted but at the same time excited! Two days of new semester have gone by and so far, everything's turned out to be fine. Lectures were held as usual. New faces of collegues and new classroom but same old lecturers except one or two *kirai2*
FYI, there's going to be a class test on Structures this coming Saturday. Awuuu baru jua start semester, ada tia test. Well I'm up for it!! Azam baru ada sudah!! Except that I'm chicken pak pak freaking out about this so-called new system of DM (bukan nama sebenar). Quoted that a list of people/bengers who are not performed very well for this semester will be sent to the High Officers and their scholarships will be put on hold.
My gawddd, this is another wake-up call for me. Seriously! I am not joking anymore!! =s
Balipattt!!!! Takuttt!!! Freaking Outtt!!! Tapi okiee tia I, pasal I ada projek sama dorang; c budak suci and c crokkie po!! Lapsss youhhhh!!! I will try my best!!!
p/s: warning, I might be on hiatus sooner or later -.-
pp/s: let's C.S-ing
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Before I go to bed, I want to tell something.
A lazy bum-bum from sunday morning till night, and as result, I am really tired (tahap kucing).
Tomorrow my lectures start. Going to meet new b.engers tapi dorang kana galar b.engers9. Anyway, hope this new semester will be success with flying colours. Amin!!
And I'm off to bed now.........zzzzzzZZZZZzzzzz~
The night before I sleepover-ed at Fizzah's house. She did all the talking and I did all the listening. That's what we do best!! Hahaha chicken pak pak. Thank you bebeh for the sleeping over!! =)
My gawdsss...ailapsol
Retailing at Jaya's with Fizzah, Billah and Shaqqy. Oh yes, Sahlan as well. Laughing hyenas all through. Even kan lunch time, but sadly I did not join them =(
Before going to ITB, I picked up Nich near McD. Went to ITB together around 12.30pm or so. All of us had a blast during the Civil Department Juniors Induction 09/10. Just look at some pictures here and there are also more at facebook. Just look for them =)
The Engineering Maths (no.1 kali =p)
Outing with anak orangs and kazen. 5 of us went to Jerudong Park and hell yea, we had fun playing some remaining games. We were too addicted to the bumper car rides. Balipattt. After that had late dinner at McD's. hehe =D
(sori, less pictures during JPing pasal luan siok, inda teingat kan begambar =p)
Pondok bunga