Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've been Glee-ed all over.
The stars can actually sing BETTER than that of in High School Musical movies. SERIOUSLy!! And so, I am looking forward to watch its 2nd season. Hopefully it will be sooner. Owh by the way, it's really hard for me to express how much I LOVE watching Glee, so just wiki about this ah-mazing series. OR you could just watch one or two episodes at
Singing "I'll Stand By You" (dalam hati),
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Having maths lecture for this semester is like so-not-over-the-rainbow, man! It feels like stepping to the pits of fire and burn to the bones, segala marrow, segala neurons, NTAM. Yes simply said D.I.E!!! Gawd. Wanting-to-escape syndrome is own its way, but it will affect badly for my attendance sheet, if I'm letting this syndrome untreated that is. Need vaccine. Need medicine. Need NAP!! ASAP and NOW!!
Somehow it looks like I need to make my own rainbow for mathematics and for other modules too. I'm gathering every raindrops I could take with me and some sunshine and...WA-LA!!! Orange and Purple rainbow with no other 5 colors!! I want Orange and Purple only!!
Bonie Kau Eggs Tapi Aku Sayang Kau,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sad to know that Legion (most anticipated movie EVER!!) is banned in Brunei. Well it's not shocking that the movie is banned. The plot sounds like contradicting the teachings of Islam. Just wiki the movie and you will find out why.

Benci yang tak terhingga,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
"Sini dapat tah facebook ni lai" - Haji H
It's something new and it's something green.
Surprised? Yes I am! Jealous? Not in a million years. Hahaha okie okie. Just a tiny bit of jealousy. Tiny cam brabis-rabis micronya. Geddit??
Anyho, all the best of luck using it. I gotta feeling that the fun part will come when they really start using it! *GRIN*
eh eh eh
I got some story to tell : : :
Leggings punya pasal, Ketam and Hippo are officially sisters!!
Hahaha cina atu sigina memandai membuat statement banar~
Thank God because I could not get what she said about K&H at first. She said, "Kamu beratik?" Like what in the world is beratik?? So I let her go away, I asked K apa yang ia cakap banar nya. Then K said, "siblings"
LMAO!! beratik supposed to be beradik. Telursss
Love Papal & Oren tia,
p/s: Ms.Ai add tia c Lapsss atu ;)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Structures P.A.Y.A.H
I felt helpless and clueless on how to solve a few problems (well banyak sebenarnya) of Structures's tutorials. Felt stupid pun ada jua! I need Ketam to help me.
I felt like crying...
I did not have my nap because I felt so restless kan siapkan the tutorials.
But in the end, I got to finish one and two problems. Still I'm not satisfied with this! Benci!
p/s: ku tedengar orang di seberang ada teman yang bernama boyfriend
Monday, January 18, 2010
*Slow heartbeat of ESPEED*
Before the Espeed'g going to hibernate in a few minutes, I would like to say:
Hope you like the gifts that Bonie and I went all through BSB just to get them for you.
May Allah bless your life. Amin~
Thank you for everything!!!
Sayang Bonda Selalu,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Die man Die!!
I need to shop a few of new clothings but the thing is, whenever, for example, a pair of jeans (A VERY CHEAP ONE, BECAUSE IT GOT AN EFFING 50% DISCOUNT) is in my hand and it's the right size and I really want it, all of sudden my mind would say "Put it back. Maybe nanti ada lagi yang lawa dan murah.". Haaa I do have enough budget BUT ntah!! I want to save more because I've got the feeling that I'm going to have THE BEST SHOPPING SPREE (somewhere) soon!!! The question that I'm dying to know the answer is "WHEN IS THIS EFFING SOON KAN??"
Shopping dilemma,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Yes this blog should be on hiatus forawhile but only because aku sayang ia, I resume my blogging activity, until there will be a moment that I need to get back on hiatus. AGAIN.
Anyhoo, just now my Engineering Geology paper was okie, not saying that I'm going to get a Distinction. I may make some mistakes here and there. So yea, all I'm going to do for now is to pray getting a decent grade for this paper. Eventhough it is only one paper for 3rd semester, to me it is really a BIG DEAL! This 4th semester, there would be another 6 papers to belajar-macam-orang-gila. AND more pain-in-the-arse assignments and projects (kalie) to come.
Ubat stress ku: Lollipop, Hello-Panda & Sleep
My Starbucks-Lollipop-stock kan abis. Inda suka~ Hopefully soon ke Miri
My lollipops are my sun and my moon. My Hello-Pandas are my stars. Sleep is the only air I need to breathe. Wahh bida~
Dang F, you need to update me soon. Kabak-kabak ku sani pasal aku malar pikir kau kan update pasal kau kan kawin atau kau kan beranak. hahaha Soon okiee?? Concentrate saja on your revision for exams dulu.
My ketam, thanks for the geology-encouragement! Aku liat kau saja time exam atu, inda aku tiru-tiru ba. By the way, lawa ah bunyi parut grumbling ku. hahaha. Sangat la merdu~
Makan sampai INDA buruk gigi,